Guide to New Hire Welcome Kits for Employees

New hires arrive at your company feeling excited, nervous and hopeful. Your welcome sets the tone for the rest of their experience on your team. A new employee welcome kit is the perfect way to start this relationship on a high note. 

Swag boxes for new hires send a message about your corporate culture and help a new employee feel part of it from the get-go. Keep reading to discover the benefits of these kits and ideas for what to include to get a new employee fired up about your company and its mission.

What Are New Hire Welcome Kits?

A new hire welcome kit is a set of gifts and resources you give to a new employee to greet them on their first day. It combines practical, promotional and fun gifts to make them feel appreciated. Every item tells them they belong on this team and are a valued part of its mission.

4 Benefits of New Employee Welcome Kits

Before you put your new employee welcome kit together, you may want more assurance that it is a wise investment. Here are four ways these packages will benefit your business.

  1. Make positive impressions: New hires will see your company in a positive light when they receive a thoughtful gift on their first day. That impression assures them they made the right decision by joining your team. It also supports long-term job satisfaction. Employees who enjoy a positive onboarding experience are 260% more likely to be “extremely satisfied” with their jobs.

  2. Improve retention and engagement: Welcome kits help employees feel recognized and appreciated. Their sense of belonging will motivate them to work toward your company’s mission, enhancing their job satisfaction. It only takes a small gesture to ensure quality employees remain committed and productive team members for the long term.
  3. Promote corporate culture: A welcome package is a memorable way to convey what your brand is about. These gifts reflect your culture and continue building it through the values your swag boxes represent.
  4. Build brand goodwill: New employees are likely to tell their friends, families and social media contacts about their welcome kit. It’s an organic way to promote your brand’s image. Your positive reputation will attract other potential employees and customers.

10 Employee Welcome Kit Ideas

Are you eager to create a welcome package for new employees, but need inspiration? Here are 10 ideas to get you started.

1. A Personalized Welcome Note

Include a personalized, handwritten letter from a company leader, such as the CEO or COO. Address the new hire by name, welcome them to the team and encourage them to thrive in their position. 

2. Onboarding Materials

Give the new employee attractive, user-friendly physical copies of documents like your company handbook, an organizational chart and a summary of their responsibilities and benefits. 

These could be separate or combined into a single binder. Though all this information should also be available digitally, a well-presented hard copy is a tangible reminder that feels more significant.

3. Office Supplies

Add essential office items to ensure your new employee has everything they need to succeed, ease their nerves and build their confidence for a productive start. The things you choose will depend on their job duties, but consider standard pieces like:

  • Notepads
  • Post-it Notes
  • Stapler
  • Tape
  • Pens
  • Business cards 

4. Tech Equipment

Depending on their role and your budget, you should supply all software, applications or subscriptions a new hire needs to complete their daily tasks. You can also throw in tech accessories, including:

  • Headphones or earbuds
  • Laptop stand/charging dock
  • External hard drive
  • Tablet

5. A Desk Calendar

Starting a new job can feel overwhelming. A desk calendar helps your employee stay on top of their appointments during onboarding and throughout their first year. This simple time management tool can encourage more productivity and less stress as they learn the ropes.

6. Branded Apparel

Nothing says “I’m part of the team” like branded clothing! Including a stylish custom T-shirt, golf shirt, hoodie or cap with your company logo is an excellent way to promote your brand while enhancing the new recruit’s sense of belonging. 

7. A Custom Mug

Most people enjoy drinking coffee or tea as a quick pick-me-up. A custom mug with your logo is another gift idea to brighten someone’s day and welcome them on board. Mug designs range from professional to playful, so pick one that reflects your company culture. 

8. A Custom Water Bottle

A branded water bottle is another practical welcome gift. A reusable insulated canteen demonstrates your company’s concern for employees’ health and wellness. It’s also something a new employee can take everywhere with them, simultaneously providing healthy hydration and promoting your brand.

9. Self-Care and Wellness Items

Include something separate from work, purely to help a brand-new employee feel their best. We all define self-care differently, so your choices will depend on your company culture and your knowledge of the new employee. The point is to let them know that you value their overall well-being and want them to have a healthy work-life balance. Ideas include:

  • Candles
  • Bath products
  • Bonsai trees
  • Diffusers
  • Journaling materials
  • Recipe books
  • Restaurant gift cards
  • Gym coupons
  • Fitness equipment
  • Snacks

10. A Company History Picture Book

Create a high-quality photo album with snapshots of your company’s origins and significant milestones between then and now. 

A photo book is a creative way to introduce your new employee to the company’s story. It helps them see their role as a meaningful part of something larger than themselves, sharing ownership of the business’ history and its future success.

Bring It All Together With a Custom Box From Bolt Boxes

Because first impressions matter, a welcome kit’s magic starts with the box you pack it in. Bolt Boxes creates custom boxes for a memorable unboxing experience.

Let us create custom-sized boxes that fit your gift items, printed with your company’s logo and brand color palette. We build all our boxes in-house for superior quality control and lightning-fast lead times. These are your perfect choice for an employee swag kit that creates a lasting impression before your new hire even opens their gift.