Brands must find innovative ways to catch shoppers’ attention while in the stores. Aside from having a great product, you should also have exciting packaging.
Cardboard display boxes and custom packaging are simple and cost-effective tools that can help you drive product sales. They are versatile display options that enhance product visibility and brand awareness. The ability to customize display boxes ensures you can get your brand message across in a way that consumers will notice.
Below we’ll be able to break down precisely what counter display boxes are and how they can benefit your product.
Printed display boxes are exactly what the name suggests. They are printed boxes that display products in a retail or market setting — think of the trays or containers that frequent sales counters or checkouts. There are a few different types of counter display boxes you can use to showcase your products:
Brand awareness, visibility and visual appeal are a few advantages of using printed custom display boxes. Brands can use display boxes to drive sales in any retail setting for various products. Here are some of the benefits of custom printed boxes:
Custom printed display boxes are a cost-effective way to showcase your products. They use cardboard for their construction rather than metal or plastic, which saves on production costs. Cardboard display boxes are lightweight so that you can focus on the weight of your product instead. Plus, you can save on shipping costs if shipping is determined by weight. Display boxes can also be made to size, saving you from spending on extra materials. You can also make box displays using recycled materials, which is an additional saving on production costs.
Many consumers are concerned about sustainability and the environment. How products are packaged and displayed is as important to consumers as how products are made and sourced. Display boxes can be easily recycled and reused. Empty containers can be refilled with products or sent to be recycled to make new boxes. You can save on display costs and show shoppers you are environmentally conscious.
Add some information about how your box is made of recycled materials or how you will recycle the display to make new ones. Place this information somewhere it can be seen without it being the sole focus of your packaging. Displaying your box’s eco-friendliness can influence shoppers purchasing decisions, particularly those concerned about sustainability and the environment.
While cardboard product display boxes are lightweight, they are also very durable. Cardboard can hold significant weight and withstand a lot of wear and tear — especially corrugated cardboard. Display boxes also protect products during transit.
Customizing these boxes also helps with the durability of display boxes and the protection of products. You can produce display boxes with specific products in mind, which can help fragile products sit better in the box and restrict their movement. Additional partitions and inserts can better secure delicate products such as cosmetics, perfume bottles, vapes and candles during transit. Added protection ensures you lose fewer products during transport, resulting in higher revenue.
Compared to other product display methods, display boxes have nearly unlimited design possibilities. You can choose the best type of box to display your products, from small countertop displays to large stand-up displays. Custom packaging and displays allow you to select the size, shape and color of boxes. You can also add your logo, brand colors, messaging and other information to display boxes.
To create a unique display, you can add extras such as window panes, support cushions, sleeves, extra wings and so much more. During the holidays, these additional features can enhance displays to make them more eye-catching to consumers. If you think of a design, display boxes can likely be manufactured according to that design. Display boxes can be easily replaced for holidays or special events such as competitions, giving your products an edge.
How can you ensure your products effectively catch consumers’ attention? There are shelves upon shelves of products to choose from, making it hard for consumers to find the product they need, let alone a new product they have never tried. Custom display boxes can help your products stand out. You can use custom display boxes to place your products in store areas with more space. Sales counters or the end of aisles have fewer products, and display boxes can easily fit into these areas.
Custom-printed display boxes can be visually appealing. Use intense colors, fun graphics and your logo to make people take note of your brand — and remember it. Customization ensures your brand is unique and readily identifiable, so consumers can recognize your products without seeing a brand name. Brand recognition is vital as it will drive consumers to search for your brand when they shop.
Consumers resonate with brands that have the same values as them. Display boxes allow you to share more information about your products and tour brand with shoppers. Add QR codes to your website or apps, provide information about your latest competition or show shoppers how your brand started. The more shoppers know about your brand, the more likely they will buy your products.
Finding ways to attract the attention of busy and overwhelmed customers is easier with display boxes. You can customize every aspect of display and product packaging so your products are easy to identify and eye-catching. Bolt Boxes has over 60 years of experience designing and manufacturing boxes. Our in-house team oversees every step of production, ensuring your boxes are made to your specifications. We use multiple printing methods to create boxes for your needs and budget. Reach out to the Bolt Boxes teams for a quote today!